Monday, September 26, 2016

Game groups

Group 1: 

Jamie, Hailee, Rachel, josh, Malaya, Korinne 

Group 2: 

Cassie, Megan, Kenzie, Cage, Maya, Kennadee 

Group 3: 

Breonca, Brinley, Kambrie, Kiri, Sophie, Madi 

Group 4: 

Olivia, Kiera, Kassie, Solace, Skye 

You are responsible for attending each assigned game in your group. This is part of your grade. If you do not show, your grade will be docked. If you are late, your grade will be docked. If you cannot attend that game, you may find a replacement. If that replacement does not show, that is the original persons responsibility and you will be docked accordingly. Work is not an excuse for losing. Please wear appropriate day outfits to games. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September Updates

Hey everyone! 

School is well underway and cheer is in full swing. Things are going well and I have not had any cheerleader let me know of any confusion regarding cheer/schedule/uniform/etc. I have heard that some parents are concerned there is not enough coach to parent communication. However, I want to remind everyone that I am the student-cheer coach, not the parent-cheer coach. Keeping that in mind, please keep this email as a reminder of upcoming events through the end of fall sports. I also update the blog more frequently then the email chain, so plenty of questions can be answered by referring to that.  

Competition Choreography

As mentioned on the calendar, we will begin competition choreography on Thursday, September 15. Cameron Larsen from UCA will be choreographing for us. He will be in class this Thursday, as well as next Wednesday, September 21, and Friday, September 23. If we need to schedule additional practices, we will do so well in advance so everyone has time to rearrange their schedule. 

The choreography fee was mentioned on the initial outline prior to tryouts as well as the price list handed out during our first parent meeting. If your cheerleader had 5 little cheerleaders during our fundraiser, they will not need to pay the choreography fee. I have notified each cheerleader what they owe in regard to the choreography this morning during practice. 

Music is not included in this fee, so we will need to fundraise for the music, which is being held at the concession stands during the football game. 

Football concession sign up

We need two additional parents to sign up for the last two games. As of right now, we have the following signed up to help. 

10/14 - Homecoming | First half:                   
                                   Second half: Kaylie Luke, Tanya Mitchell

10/19 - UEA Wednesday | First half: Kim Donehoo, Jolene Garner
                                        Second half: 

Please let me know as soon as possible to fill these positions. This money is going to the cheer fun directly for music and homecoming. 


I talked with Jess, our Under Armour rep. She has agreed to open up the OMG Site for one additional week. The site is a great place to find UA Laker gear at a discounted rate. If you are planning on attending nationals, this is where you will want to purchase any 'fan gear'. Please remember, a portion of all proceeds go to the cheer fund. Once this is open, I will post it on the blog. 

Payment plan for Nationals

Each payment of $150 (per person) is due on the 15th of every month. Please have your cheerleader give me the receipt upon payment. I have spaced out the payments in order to accommodate for the holidays and such coming up. All payments need to be paid in full by January 30 or your flight and hotel will be canceled, all money paid forfeited, and reservations canceled. 

Region and State Competition dates

Region will be January 21, and State on January 28. All cheerleaders will be required to be there 2 weeks prior as stated in the constitution. Please block out those dates so we can have a large audience at each competition. 

As of right now, the only other competition we have scheduled prior is the Roy High School comp. 


Homecoming game is October 14. We will be performing at half time during that game. Please plan accordingly if you are planning to attend this game. 

Region and State Football; Grades

Region and state football schedules will come up quickly and all schedules need to be accommodated to support the team. Since cheerleaders are allowed to play one additional sport in addition to cheer or there are some academic requirements in order to continue to participate in cheer, please make sure your individual cheerleader is caught up on all academics and other activities. Midterms are coming up, and each cheerleader will be required to bring a copy of their grades to ensure they are on schedule to continue eligibility in the sport. Cheer is also a class, and midterm grades will be given in regard to cheerleader's participation, attendance, tardies, and attitude. 

Sign Fundraiser

The sign fundraiser is still going. This is a great way to make money for nationals. I've talked to the cheerleaders about contacting the football team, soccer team, tennis team, grandparents, parents, etc. This is an extremely easy sale and I would encourage everyone to participate in this. All sales go directly to each cheerleader. 

Please let me know if you have any added questions. 

Thank you for your continued support.